Purple People Eater Cocktail Recipe

A tasty (and creepy!) cocktail that gets its purple hue from blue curacao, grenadine, and cranberry juice. A perfectly purple cocktail for any party!

Purple People Eater Cocktail

Earlier this week I mentioned that my Halloween plans this year consist of an epic movie night with all the creepy classics.  Easy, low stress, no pressure for an unbelievable creative yet financially reasonable costume. What’s not to like about that, amirite?

I’ve already narrowed down some of the snack foods I’ll be serving to get me in the Halloween spirit, but with this post I’ve (finally) singled out my drink of choice:

A festive purple people eater drink!

Because being the wuss that I am, I’m going to need something to take the edge off when the scary movies start to play.

As for the rest of the ingredients: sweet and sour mix is another classic staple to most of the drinks I like and Blue Curacao is a recent must-have liqueur I only discovered this year. If you haven’t already stocked up on it, I highly recommend you add a bottle to your liqueur cabinet!

There seems to be an endless combination of drinks you can make with these 3 ingredients, and each of them taste a bit different depending on how much of each you use. Go ahead and have fun experimenting!

Truth be told, I made this cocktail by throwing together some of the alcohol we still had in the house from last July. I’m not even sure if Purple People Eater is the “real” name for this drink, since I’m sure some clever bartender or self-proclaimed drink architect has thrown a concoction like this together before – but for right now, the name fits perfectly with my monster obsession this year.

Because seriously, I’m not even kidding – everything this year seems to be monster monster monster for me.

My friends should be glad I won’t be crashing any of their parties because I would totally embarrass them by showing up in an ill-fitting Sulley costume.

Of course, after I’ve had a couple of these purple cocktails that could still happen…

Are there still rent-a-costume stores in the world? I mean, someone out there must still have a need for such a thing, right?

I’m sure Google will help me out here.

Consider yourself warned!


  •  simple syrup optional - can use water or juice instead
  •  purple sugar such as sanding sugar (aka sprinkles)
  •  1 1/2 part vodka
  •  1 part blue curacao
  •  1 part sweet and sour mix
  •  1 part grenadine
  •  1 part cranberry juice can also use cran-grape or grape juice

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