Watermelon Lemonade Without Added Sugar

To most of you, it won’t be a surprise anymore that I’m a massive fan of watermelon. Besides the fact that it’s incredibly tasty it also comes with a tonne of beneficial nutrients but most of all, it’s a fantastic fruit to work with.

Watermelon Lemonade Without Added Sugar

So after letting you guys in on my watermelon ice pops and my watermelon sorbet, I figured I might as well let the entire watermelon out of the bag and complete the summer goodness with this amazing watermelon lemonade without added sugar! Yes, wordplays – I’ll see myself out.

Now before you think this will be one of those bland lemonades that deliver neither in sweetness nor flavour let me tell you that you are in for a big surprise. Watermelon juice is incredibly sweet, so I chose to use it as lemonade base instead of water. Not only does it make this lemonade both refreshingly delicious and delightfully pink but also sweet without the need for added sugars.

I am a big fan of cold drinks during summer, and while I try to stick with water during the days, I crave my treats in the evenings. In fact, I always try to make my nights a little bit special, especially after hot and stressful weekdays. This watermelon lemonade is perfect for this since it is done in a pinch and looks as lovely as it tastes. Apart from tasting great, it comes with a surprisingly wide range of nutrients that you usually do not associate with a sweet lemonade.

I don’t know how you spend your summers, but for me, the increase in temperatures also comes with me being much more active. Being the typical summer person, I almost go into hibernation during winters. Living on the couch, under blankets. As soon as spring hits and the temperatures rise I am out and about. Hikes, long walks, and outdoor workouts. I am a huge fan of callisthenics which is an exercise regimen based on using your body weight but what does this have to do with lemonade? Nothing in general but it has a lot to do with this watermelon lemonade. Watermelon is not only a tasty way to hydrate yourself, but it can also help with muscle soreness. So next time you struggle through your leg day workout and dread the next day try a glass of this lovely watermelon lemonade. It might just do the trick for you.

I like to serve mine in tall glasses for fancier occasions, but at the end of a long day, I just want to sit down with a big drink. Especially after workouts, I go for the rustic, giant glass. I add a generous amount of ice cubes, mint, lemon slices and fill it to the brim with this delicious watermelon lemonade without added sugar. So here’s to a long and sunny summer and if you make this don’t forget to tag me in your Instagram posts with #gloriathegreedyvegan because I love to see your pictures.

Watermelon Lemonade Without Added Sugar Recipe:


  • 2 kg watermelon cleaned *
  • 4 lemons

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